My People

Once in a while I have a motherhood/parenting thought and say to myself, “Oh yeah, that’s a good one, I should blog that.” Well, I’ve been doing that for months and don’t really post it.

Now I have a bit of time and decided I should post after reading this post from the MOPS website. I know exactly how she feels. That ripping feeling when someone questions Desmond’s size. “Oh he’s soo small!” Like, I don’t already know that. And that comment always sounds like they want an explanation. Sometimes, I find myself explaining why, sometimes I just smile and walk away.

I can’t say I’m jealous. I am not jealous of how women gave birth or how “normal” everything went. What is normal anyway? How I gave birth to Des was my normal, and that’s ok. I accept that. It’s mostly feeling hurt and appalled at insensitive people (mostly strangers and some acquaintances). But they are not my people. My people know me and love Des.

My people (Grey’s Anatomy reference there) pray with me, cry with me and celebrate with me. These are the people you keep. If you have people like this in your life, NEVER let them go. Treasure them and love them, because they are the ones that help keep you going especially through some very dark times.

I am so thankful for my friends and family who have been MY people. You guys know who you are. I want to thank you because you don’t question Desmond’s size or how he walks. You love him as your own and it makes me feel loved.

Since we’re talking about MY people. Then my husband is there on the top. He has been such a great support and encouragement to me and Des. He is such a great father to Des, that there aren’t enough words to say them all here.

Finally, to my little warrior, Desmond.  You’re right up there. You’re my favorite little guy and you have been such a blessing to us. Thank you, for being you and for loving your mama and papa unconditionally. Thank you my dear one for your funny dances, kisses in the morning and sweet caresses on my cheek when I am tired and need sleep. Thank you for reminding me that the little things in life are what makes everyday lovely and wonderful. You bring so much joy and laughter to our home, the two things your mama and papa pray for everyday.  Keep being the fighter that you are. Keep trying and keep exploring. You have gone such a long away and don’t stop because you are going to be moving mountains when you grow up. Now that I think about it, you already have.




4 thoughts on “My People”

  • What a great post.. thanks babe for being so awesome as well.. and sharing your thoughts with us. It means a lot.

    To everyone else: please leave a comment. We want to hear from you.

  • I like your post. Yes, you never have to explain to anyone. That’s the good thing about “your people”,they know and love you and accept you for who you are (as well as Des). As for the “others”, don’t worry about them. I don’t think they deserve your explanation 🙂

  • Ah, just read this! Somewhere along the way I didn’t realise you were still posting! Des is perfect, Tanya – he is such a beautiful, loving, gentle and funny little boy (soon to be BIG brother!).. I remember evenings nearly five years ago, when we were sitting around at the table in your old apartment, joking about “Auntie Jewels.” And now it’s real.. x2! I feel so special to have been part of the “before”, and the “after”. I have been blessed with the chance to see how you and Nick made a beautiful little boy, but also how a little boy made two incredible parents. Both of you are so much “more” than you were before he came into your lives – I can’t wait to see where you will go from here. <3

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